
230508 - 230512 | 전화 영어 리뷰 본문

영어/TIL | 외국어 공부기록

230508 - 230512 | 전화 영어 리뷰

hnhnhun 2023. 5. 28. 19:00

CNN뉴스 2023년 3월 토픽 | NFL Fan’s Unbelievable Super Bowl Streak

It's a pleasure to meet you. You were nice, kind and enthusiastic in the class. You were able to answer my questions and did the activities well. There were some minor slips when it comes to your pronunciation but you can definitely work on that. You have to study more new words so you can express yourself better. Also, You can understand simple questions and information, and was able to understand the main idea of the topic. Practice more at home and make it a habit to also review in advance. Anyway, You did a fantastic job this Monday. Please study our next activity at home. Thank you so much for your time. Have a nice evening!

CNN뉴스 2023년 3월 토픽 | NFL Fan’s Unbelievable Super Bowl Streak

Thank you so much for attending our class tonight. You are a good student and you are nice to talk with. You can answer the questions and activities in the book. You can also follow the teacher's instructions. You do the activities with enthusiasm and responds to all the questions very well. However, I noticed that you have some words that you mispronounce. You have some errors in grammar as well but they are minimal so you can work on those. Keep practicing! Overall, You did well. Good job

CNN뉴스 2023년 3월 토픽 | Heartbroken: Beware Of Romance Scams

You were very receptive and responsive. You spoke so well and responded the questions politely. You are also socially comfortable in situations or discussions. You just need to keep on practicing on how to pronounce words more clearly. You need to have a strong motivation to learn English and need to be more expressive with your ideas. Fantastic job! Keep up the good work! Have a great night !

CNN뉴스 2023년 3월 토픽 | Heartbroken: Beware Of Romance Scams

Thank you so much for participating in our tonight's lesson. I appreciate your effort, time, and willingness to learn as well as your positive attitude and enthusiasm in class. You responded well to the questions. You were able to provide pertinent information about the subject. All you need to do now is improve your sentence construction and fluency. Continue your excellent work!

"Learning never stops." - Unknown
